AFCEA Chrissy Bobb Award

November 9, 2023

Reflexive's own Julia Corbett was honored by the AFCEA CMD Emerging Leaders with this year's Chrissy Bobb Award. This prestigious award, formerly known as Young AFCEAN of the Year, was renamed to honor Chrissy’s memory and spirit after she tragically lost her life at a young age. Chrissy was a strong, bright, and engaging industry professional whose gifts included the ability to transform a room full of strangers into a room full of friends. Chrissy is remembered not only for her key contributions and dedicated service to AFCEA Central Maryland Chapter but also for her natural talent for communication, her warmth, and her quirky sense of humor.

Any Reflexive Concepts, LLC engineer quickly sees the value Julia brings to our company, but behind the scenes, the rapid growth Reflexive has enjoyed in 2023 would not be possible without Julia's hard work, dedication, determination, and energy. We are all thankful for you, Julia!